Name This Movie I Vaguely Remember! - Everything Else Movies

July 2024 ยท 2 minute read

So I saw this film on TV, but I'm sure it was released in theaters. It was like a low-to-mid budget, no big names, but a few recognizable actors. (I thought one of the actresses was Laura Linney, but none of her films seem to match the film I saw. - So, a middle-aged (40s?) white blonde?) I think it was released in the early 2000s, but I'm sure it was made in the last twenty years. A character study set in New York City; four main characters who are separate, but their stories interconnect.

I only remember parts of 3 of the main characters/stories:
- A shy/troubled (Hispanic) teen boy, who is a virgin;
- An older (white), upper class, former music conductor? (not sure about his profession, but it was arts-related) who is going blind;
- A middle-aged woman (white) who is having some issues with her relationship with her (ex?)husband -- I think.

The parts I remember the most: the teen is stalking the woman - they have a scene in the subway where she loses him on the train. But in the third act, she has sex with him - on the second try, because he has a fixation with her scarf. Teen only meets the older man -who needs help navigating the subway because of his failing sight- in the last scene.
